Action D31

Organising Non-Covalent Chemical Systems with Selected Functions

3rd Workshop, 28-31 March 2007, Athens, Greece

COST Action D31, "Organising Non-Covalent Chemical Systems with Selected Functions", is one of the actions within the Chemistry Domain and started its activities in 2004. The main objective of the Action is to develop the knowledge in the area of supramolecular synthesis, of organised and/or of self-organised chemical systems in order to master organisational complexity starting from simplicity. The Action is concerned with synthetic and structural aspects of supramolecular organisation, as well as the design, preparation and optimisation of functional chemical systems. It now consists of 14 Working Groups and its activities are overseen by by a Management Committee with representatives from 22 countries. Previous Workshops were held in Prague in 2004 and in Frascati (Rome) in 2005.