
Research Area A


Research Area B


Research Area C


Research Area D




Archival, Diplomatic, Palaeographic Research

An infrastructure research direction that aims a. to detect unknown primary historical material, to highlight it through detailed documentation and edition, and to its study and utilization, b. to study matters of Diplomatics, Palaeography - Codicology and text transmission, and c) to organize and promote digital infrastructure projects of the Section of Byzantine Research. Research focuses primarily on Byzantine and post-Byzantine documents and manuscript codices preserved in the great monastic centers of Greece, such as Mount Athos and Patmos, and in other minor collections, as well as on archaeological evidence; also, all types of digital infrastructure - such as databases and electronic publications - which constitute tools for historical research.

The main research axes of this Research Area are the following:

  • The reconstruction and classification of archival collections and the reconstruction of collections of Greek manuscripts.
  • The publication of archival collections and manuscript catalogues, as well as the combined utilization of the new material in historical studies.
  • Research in theoretical matters of Diplomatics and Palaeography - Codicology.
  • The study of manuscript codices and printed books with regard to their form and the relationship between text and object.
  • The dissemination of the results of the research conducted by the Section of Byzantine Research with the development of databases and open access electronic publications.



The detection and study of unknown historical sources (archival and literary) was one of the main research axes of the Institute since its foundation in 1959. The Byzantine archives and manuscript libraries of the monasteries of Mount Athos and of the monastery of Saint John the Theologian were selected as the par excellence fields for the development of research. After 1980, research encompassed the post-Byzantine archives as well, especially on Athos.

At first, the research activities formed part of the programme Archival, Palaeographic, and Diplomatic Research, which in March 2018 generated Research Direction D with the additional inclusion of the responsibility for the organization and promotion of all types of digital infrastructures produced by the entire Section of Byzantine Research of the IHR.



Maria Gerolymatou (Research Director)
Zisis Melissakis (Research Director)
Niki Tsironi (Functional Scientific Personel A)


Other members

Other collaborators: Konstantinios Dolmas (Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology / University of Thessaly), Dimitrios Kalpakis (Ephorate of Antiquities, Ioannina), Nikos Livanos (IHR/NHRF), Nicholas Melvani (IHR/NHRF), Ekaterini Mitsiou (Institüt für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik / University of Vienna), Symeon Paschalidis (School of Theology / AUTH), Nancy Ševčenko (Byzantinist), Demosthenis Stratigopoulos (Department of History and Ethnology / DUTH)

Research Director Emeritus: Kriton Chrysochoidis

Former members: † Paris Gounaridis


Research Projects

Current / In progress

  • Archives of Mount Athos
    The programme deals with the post-Byzantine documents in the Athonite Archives. Its activities focus primarily on preparing the documents (reconstruction, classification, description, photographing), followed by the publication of extended summaries (regestes) and finally their utilization in studies in the history of the monasteries of Mount Athos.

    The implementation of the project is based on collaboration with the Athonite monasteries on one hand and on the other with universities, research centers, and independent scholars in Greece and abroad.
    Ongoing projects within the programme:
    1. Archives of the Monastery of Philotheou. Summaries of Byzantine and post-Byzantine Documents (N. Melvani).
    2. Archives of the Monastery of Karakallou. Summaries of Byzantine and post-Byzantine Documents (D. Kalpakis).
    3. Archives of the Monastery of Iviron. Summaries of post-Byzantine Documents (K. Chrysochoidis)
    4. Archives of the Monastery of Iviron. Checklist of later documents (end of 18th century - 1912) (K. Chrysochoidis, N. Livanos, K. Dolmas, Z. Melissakis, D. Kalpakis).
  • Byzantine and  post-Byzantine Archives of the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian on Patmos
    The Archives of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Theologian on Patmos are one of the richest monastic archival collections in the Greek world. Its Byzantine section preserves some of the oldest documents of the Byzantine period, whereas the post-Byzantine section provides very important material not only on Patmos, but also for the entire central and southern Aegean. The goals of the programme are:
    • the completion of the edition of the Byzantine documents of the Archives of the monastery of Patmos,
    • the preparation of an updated catalogue of the Byzantine documents of its Archives,
    • the study of the history of the monastery's dependencies (metochia) through the documents and archival codices,
    • the combined study of the archival evidence in order to trace the history of the islands of the southern Aegean and the opposite shore of Asia Minor from the 11th to the 16th century (Maria Gerolymatou).



  1. Byzantine documents of the monastery of Patmos, vol. 4. Private documents (M. Gerolymatou).
  2. Catalogue of the Byzantine documents of the Archives of the Holy Monastery of Patmos (M. Gerolymatou).
  • Libraries of Mount Athos
    The programme aims to study systematically the collections of manuscripts and incunabula of the Athonite Libraries. Its activities focus on the publication of new detailed catalogues and studies on special palaeographic and codicological matters, as well as on the history of Athonite libraries.
    Ongoing research projects within the programme (parts of the broader plan of the monastery of Iviron to catalogue all its collections):
    1. Catalogue of manuscripts nos. 328-400 of the Holy Monastery of Iviron (Z. Melissakis)
    2. Catalogue of 15th- and 16th-century incunabula of the Holy Monastery of Iviron (Z. Melissakis)
  • Library of the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian on Patmos
    The programme aims to produce detailed general catalogues of the monastery's manuscripts - a continuation of the project initiated with the publication of the first volume of the new Patmian Library -, as well as specialized ones, such as those of illustrated codices. At the same time, it also conducts research into specific matters, such as the history of the collection and its bookbindings. The implementation of the programme is based on collaboration with the Monastery of Patmos and involves the participation of researchers from various universities.
    Ongoing projects within the programme:
    1. Catalogue of manuscripts nos. 102-201 of the Monastery of Patmos (Z. Melissakis).
    2. Catalogue of manuscripts nos. 405-471 of the Monastery of Patmos (S. Paschalidis).
    3. Catalogue of manuscripts nos. 514-578 of the Monastery of Patmos (D. Stratigopoulos).
    4. Catalogue of the illustrated manuscripts of the Monastery of Patmos (N. Ševčenko in collaboration with N. Melvani).
  • Minor Libraries of the Greek World
    The activity of the programme focuses on the publication of catalogues of manuscripts and incunabula from less known collections in Greece, as well as the study of their history based on unpublished archival material.
    Ongoing project within the programme: The recent history of the library of the Greek community of Kastoria (Z. Melissakis).
  • Books in Byzantium and during the post-Byzantine period
    The programme deals with matters of text, script, and production of Byzantine and post-Byzantine manuscripts codices, as well as of printed books.
    Ongoing project within the programme: The Book as text and object
    The project is an expanded form of the project "Books in Byzantium. Byzantine and post-Byzantine bookbinding", which began in 2002 and was funded by national and european programmes (PEP Attica, Marie Curie - REN and STUDITE). Within the framework of the project the following activities took place: an international conference (2005), the publication of its proceedings (2008), databases concerning manuscript books and their form (2010), as well as an exhibition about the Art of Bookbinding from Byzantium to Modern Artistic Creation (2012-2013,
    At present, the programme is preparing a publication in collaboration with the Association Pierre Belon (scheduled for 2019), is updating and developing a database about the terminology of Byzantine and post-Byzantine books, and is in the process of publishing studies concerning the relationship between bookbindings and their depiction in Byzantine and post-Byzantine art.
    The programme also focuses on activities promoting Lifelong learning and on educational programmes for secondary and higher education (N. Tsironi).
  • Publication of other sources
    This programme includes projects for the edition and publication of all types of sources mainly archivals.
    Ongoing projects within the programme:
    1. The documents of the monastery of the Virgin Lembiotissa († P. Gounaridis, E. Mitsiou).
    2. The Typikon of the Monastery of the Virgin Eleousa (K. Chrysochoidis, E. Mitsiou, Z. Melissakis).

  • Digital Infrastructure projects
    The programme deals with the organization and promotion of the digital infrastructures produced by the Section of Byzantine Research from all Research Directions, regardless of topic.

    Individual projects within the programme:
  1. Journal Byzantine Symmeikta
    <Βυζαντινά-Σύμμεικτα> <>
  2. "Kyrtou Plegmata". Networks of economy, power, and knowledge in the Greek world from prehistoric times to the modern era: detailed documentation - interpretative mapping - synthetic approaches <>
    (Collaborative research project of the Institute for Historical Research)
  3. "Pandektis". Digital thesaurus of Greek History and Culture
    The project includes important digital collections regarding Greek History and culture from the former Institutes of Neohellenic Research, Byzantine Research, and Greek and Roman Antiquity, which were digitized and made available in digital form by the National Documentation Center. The collections contain information on historical and cultural heritage useful to the scholarly community, as well as to any interested parties<>
    (Collaborative research project of the Institute for Historical Research)
  4. Byzantine Monuments of Attica
  5. Archaeology of the City of Athens
  6. Electronic publications


Funded programmes

Collective research programmes

  • Anavathmis. Development of historical research; studies and digital applications
    A. Compilation of a catalogue of the Byzantine documents of the Monastery of Patmos
    Chronological presentation (to the best possible extent) of the Byzantine documents preserved in the Archives of the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian of Patmos, which will include short information regarding the type of each document, its physical description, its contents and date (M. Gerolymatou).
    B. The texts of the post-Byzantine documents of the Monastery of Esphigmenou on Mount Athos
    Diplomatic transcription of the post-Byzantine documents of the Monastery of Esphigmenou and entry of their texts into a database, which in the future will incorporate analogous texts from other Athonite monasteries (Z. Melissakis).
    C. Terminology of Bookbindings
    Creation of an index of terminology of Byzantine and post-Byzantine bookbindings, as found in Byzantine and post-Byzantine sources, as well as that used by researchers, historians, palaeographers, art historians, conservators, and bookbinders. This is the first database resulting from interdisciplinary collaboration and research (N. Tsironi).
    D. Depictions of Byzantine and post-Byzantie bookbindings
    The project will study the depictions of bookbindings in monumental painting, portable icons, and the minor arts and will attempt to produce a typology for the decoration of Byzantine and post-Byzantine books and the conventions governing it. The material that will be studied will constitute the core of a database, which will include works of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art (N. Tsironi).
  • Kripis. Kyrtou Plegmata. Networks of economy, power, and knowledge in the Greek world from prehistoric times to the modern era: detailed documentation - interpretative mapping - synthetic approaches
    A. Cult and Economy. The economic networks of Mount Athos (10th - 18th centuries).
    The project maps the network of Athonite metochia, i.e. properties of Athonite monasteries situated outside the peninsula of Athos.
    (K. Chrysochoidis).
    B. Dispersion of Greek manuscripts of Mount Athos. Networks of circulation of codices from the Athonite monasteries within the space of the Greek East and to the West
    Detection and mapping of the transfer of manuscript codices from Mount Athos to libraries outside Athos over the  centuries
    (Z. Melissakis).


Conferences and Events

Scholarly Events
(conferences, symposia, workshops, lecture series)

  • International Symposium: Tό Άγιον Όρος από τη βυζαντινή στην οθωμανική πραγματικότητα: 14ος-16ος αι. [Mount Athos from Byzantine to Ottoman reality: 14th - 16th centuries], Athens, 17 October 1995.
  • International Symposium: H ελληνική γραφή κατά τον 15ο και 16ο αιώνες [Greek script in the 15th and 16th centuries], Athens, 18-20 October 1996.
  • International Symposium: Iερά μονή Bατοπεδίου. Iστορία και Tέχνη [Holy Monastery of Vatopedi. History and Art],Athens, Megaron Concert Hall, 29 November - 1 December 1996.
  • International Symposium: Mονή Ξενοφώντος. Xίλια χρόνια ιστορικού βίου [Xenophontos monastery. 1000 years of historical existence], Athens, 27-28 November 1998.
  • International Hagiography Symposium: Oι ήρωες της ορθόδοξης εκκλησίας. Oι Nέοι άγιοι, 8ος-16ος αιώνας[The heroes of the Orthodox Church. The New Saints, 8th - 16th centuries], Athens, 25-28 November 1996.
  • Sixth International Conference: Το Άγιον Όρος στον 15ο και 16ο αιώνα [Mount Athos in the 15th and 16th centuries], Thessaloniki, 22-24 November 2011 (co-organized with the Mount Athos Center Agioreitiki Estia).
  • Workshop: Ο κόσμος των παλιμψήστων χειρογράφων στις βιβλιοθήκες της Ελλάδος και στις μονές και ταπατριαρχεία της ορθόδοξης Ανατολής [The world of the palimpsest manuscripts in the libraries of Greece and in the monasteries and patriarchates of the Orthodox East], Athens, 7-11 May 2003.
  • Workshop: Specific Issues in Oriental Philology, Athens, 8-9 December 2011 (within the framework of the European programme "Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies")
  • Workshop: Towards a final version of the chapter on cataloguing, Athens, 6-7 June 2013 (within the framework of the European programme "Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies").




- Collaborations with scientific institutions in Greece

International Collaborations

  • Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies (COMSt). 2010–2015.
  • Diktyon. Réseau numérique pour les manuscrits grecs (Digital network for Greek Manuscripts). 2012.


Databases - Websites





  • E. L. Vranousi, [Βυζαντινά έγγραφα της Μονής Πάτμου. 1. Αυτοκρατορικά] Byzantine Documents of the Monastery of Patmos. 1. Imperial documents, Athens 1980.
  • M. Nystazopoulou-Pelekidou, [Βυζαντινά έγγραφα της Μονής Πάτμου. 2. Δημοσίων λειτουργών] Byzantine documents of the Monastery of Patmos. 2. Documents of byzantine functionaries, Athens 1980
  • K. Chrysochoidis, P. Gounaridis, D. Vamvakas, [Kατάλογοι Aρχείων. A΄. Ιερά Μονή Καρακάλλου. B΄. Iερά Mονή Σίμωνος Πέτρας] Catalogues of Archives. A. Monastery of Karakallou. B. Monastery of Simonos Petras [Athonika Symmeikta 1], Athens 1985.
  • Ch. Gasparis, [Aρχείο Πρωτάτου. Eπιτομές μεταβυζαντινών εγγράφων] Archives of the Protaton. Summaries of post-Byzantine documents [Athonika Symmeikta 2], Athens 1991.
  • P. Gounaridis, [Aρχείο Ιεράς Mονής Ξηροποτάμου. Eπιτομές μεταβυζαντινών εγγράφων] Archives of the Monastery of Xeropotamou. Summaries of post-Byzantine documents [Athonika Symmeikta 3], Athens 1993.
  • E. Zachariadou, [Δέκα τουρκικά έγγραφα για την Μεγάλη Εκκλησία (1483-1567)] Ten Turkish documents concerning the Great Church (1483-1567) [Sources 2], Athens 1996.
  • [O Άθως στους 14ο-16ο αιώνες] Athos in the 14th-16th centuries [Athonika Symmeikta 4], Athens 1997.
  • A. Pardos, [Aρχείο της I. M. Παντοκράτορος. Eπιτομές εγγράφων 1039-1801, Μέρος Α΄] Archives of the Monastery of Pantocrator. Summaries of documents 1039-1801, Part A [Athonika Symmeikta 5], Athens 1998.
  • D. Papachrysanthou, [H διοίκηση του Aγίου Όρους (1600-1927). Σύντομη ιστορική επισκόπηση] The administration of Mount Athos (1600-1927). A short historical survey [Athonika Symmeikta 6], Athens 1999.
  • [Iερά Mονή Bατοπεδίου. Iστορία και τέχνη] Monastery of Vatopedi. History and Art [Athonika Symmeikta 7], Athens 1999.
  • [H Eλληνική Γραφή κατά τους 15ο και 16ο αιώνες] Greek script in the 15th and 16th centuries [International Symposia 7], Athens 2000.
  • A. Giannakopoulos, [Aρχείο της I. M. Σταυρονικήτα. Eπιτομές εγγράφων 1533-1800] Archives of the Monastery of Stavronikita. Summaries of documents 1533-1800 [Athonika Symmeikta 8].
  • V. Anastasiadis, [Aρχείο της I. M. Xιλανδαρίου. Eπιτομές μεταβυζαντινών εγγράφων] Archives of the Monastery of Hilandar. Summaries of post-Byzantine documents [Athonika Symmeikta 9], Athens 2002.
  • [Οι ήρωες της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας. Οι νέοι άγιοι (8ος-16ος αι.). Πρακτικά του 15ου Διεθνούς Συμποσίου] The heroes of the Orthodox Church. The new saints (8th-16th centuries). Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium, ed. E. Kountoura-Galaki [International Symposia 15], Athens 2004.
  • Z. Melissakis, [Κατάλογος των κωδίκων της Δημοτικής Βιβλιοθήκης Τυρνάβου] Catalogue of manuscripts of the Tyrnavos Municipal Library [Sources 8], Athens 2007.
  • [Μοναστηριακά αρχεία. Έγγραφα Αγίου Όρους και Πάτμου. Ψηφιοποιημένες συλλογές. Πρόγραμμα Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας, Έργο Πανδέκτης, Ψηφιακός Θησαυρός Πρωτογενών Τεκμηρίων Ελληνικής Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού, ΙΕΡΑ, ΙΒΕ, ΙΝΕ και ΕΚΤ-ΕΙΕ] Monastic archives. Documents from Mount Athos and Patmos. Digitized collections. Programme Information Society, Project Pandektis, Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources of Greek History and Culture, IGRA, IBR, INR, and NDC-NHRF, Athens 2007.
  • Athos. La Sainte Montagne. Tradition et renouveau dans l’art, ed. G. Galavaris [Athonika Symmeikta 10], Athens 2007.
  • A. Luttrell and E. Zachariadou, Sources for Turkish History in the Hospitallers’ Rhodian Archive [Sources 14], Αthens 2007.
  • Z. Melissakis, [Αρχείο της Ι. Μ. Εσφιγμένου. Επιτομές μεταβυζαντινών εγγράφων] Archives of the H.M. of Esphigmenou. Summaries of post-Byzantine documents [Athonika Symmeikta 11], Athens 2008.
  • F. Kotzageorgis, [Αρχείο της Ι. Μ. Αγίου Παύλου. Επιτομές βυζαντινών και μεταβυζαντινών εγγράφων] Archives of the H.M. of Saint Paul. Summaries of Byzantine and post-Byzantine documents [Athonika Symmeikta 12], Athens 2008.
  • M. Gerolymatou, [Αγορές, έμποροι και εμπόριο στο Βυζάντιο (9ος-12ος αι.)] Markets, merchants, and commerce in Byzantium (9th-12th century) [Monographs 9], Athens 2008.
  • N. Vatin, G. Veinstein, E. Zachariadou, Catalogue du fonds ottoman des Archives du Monastère de Saint-Jean à Patmos. Les vingt-deux premiers dossiers [Sources 15], Athens 2011.
  • Z. Melissakis, [Κατάλογος των παλαιών εντύπων της Δημοτικής Βιβλιοθήκης Τυρνάβου] Catalogue of Early Printed Books in the Tyrnavos Municipal Library  [Tetradia Ergasias 36], Athens 2016.
  • M. Gerolymatou, [Βυζαντινά έγγραφα της Μονής Πάτμου. Γʹ Πατριαρχικά. Ιστορική εισαγωγή, διπλωματική έκδοση] Byzantine Documents of Patmos. C. Patriarchal documents. Historical Introduction, diplomatic edition, Athens 2016.







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