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  • 2nd Swedish-Hellenic Life Science Research Conference, hosted by NHRF, Athens, Greece (18-19 October 2007) (passive participation of Drugdesi MER, Dr. J.-M. Hayes).
  • 59th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens, Greece (December 7-9, 2007)Papageorgiou, D.*, Hayes, J.M., Sarrou, J., Bischler, N., Skamnaki, V., Zographos, S.E., Leonidas, D.D., Oikonomakos, N.G., Skaltsounis, A-L., Wascholowski, V., Sarli, V., Giannis, A. (2007). In vitro and in silico studies of PhK-gamma truncated for the development of anti-hyperglycaemic drugs using structure-based drug design. Book of abstracts, Vol. 54, pg. 223. (poster presentation by D. Papageorgiou- MSc student supervised by Drugdesi MER)


  • 13th Panhellenic conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Athens, Greece (March 14-15, 2008).
    Hayes, J.-M., Alexacou, K.-M., Archontis, G., Praly, J.-P., Somsak, L., Gimisis, T., Chrysina, E.D., Zographos, S.E., Leonidas, D.D., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Molecular modelling of the binding of inhibitors at the catalytic site of glycogen phosphorylase b (GPb): the search for new antihyperglycaemic drugs. Book of abstracts O5, pg 32. (oral presentation by Dr. J.-M. Hayes- Drugdesi MER)
  • 4th Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association, Athens, Greece (September 26-27, 2008).
    Alexacou, K.-M., Tiraidis, C., Sovantzis, D., Mamais, M., Charavgi, M.A., Kyritsi, C.E., Drakou, C., Lazoura, E., Hayes, J.-M., Chrysina, E.D., Zographos, S.E., Leonidas, D.D., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase as potential antidiabetic agents. Book of abstracts, pg. 19
    Gimisis, T., Grammatopoulos, P., Mamais, M., Sovantzis, D., Alexacou, K.-M., Zographos, S.E., Leonidas, D .D., Chrysina, E.D., Hayes, J.-M., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Second generation inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase based on b-D-glucopyranosyl-N'-pyrimidines. Book of abstracts pg. 28
    Drakou, C.E., Zographos, S.E., Malekkou, A., Santama, N., Hayes, J.-M., Papageorgiou, D., Lazoura, E., Leonidas, D.D., Lamond, A.I., Siafaka-Kapadai, A., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Structural studies of the nuclear factor hCINAP in complex with ADP and ADP-PO4-Mg. Book of abstracts pg. 28.
    Hayes, J.-M., Mamais, M., Alexacou, K.-M., Chrysina, E.D., Leonidas, D.D., Zographos, S.E., Gimisis, T., Praly, J.-P., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). New inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase from docking and molecular modelling calculations. Book of abstracts pg. 60
    Kyritsi, C.E., Alexacou, K.-M., Hayes, J.-M., Chrysina, E.D., Siafaka-Kapadai, A., Leonidas, D.D., Zographos, S.E., Czifrak, K., Felfoldi, N., Docsa, T., Gergely, P., Somsak, L, Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Structure-activity relationships of new glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors, analogues of N-(b-D-glucopyranoyl)-N'-oxamides; kinetic and crystallographic evaluation. Book of abstracts pg. 64.

Participation In Workshops


  • Marie Curie Workshop and satellite European Science Open Forum (ESOF), event was held in Barcelona, Spain (July 17-22, 2008) (poster presentation by Dr. J.-M. Hayes- Drugdesi MER)
    Hayes, J.M., Chrysina, E.D., Leonidas, D.D., Zographos, S.E., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Structure based drug design using molecular modelling in the design of potential drugs for the treatment of type II diabetes.
  • Workshop on "Structure Based Drug Discovery" held in NHRF (June 2-6, 2008) organized in the frame of EURODESY MEST-CT -2005- 020575
    Dr. Hayes, Drugdesi MER was member of the organizing and scientific committee and also gave an oral presentation entitled 'Introduction to Computational Drug Design' and performed a practical session focusing on the practical aspects of performing receptor-ligand docking calculations entitled 'Analysing protein-ligand structures' in cooperation with Prof. R.E. Hubbard.
    The workshop involved a series of lectures and practicals targeting young researchers interested in X-ray crystallography and NMR studies for the design and development of new drugs.
  • Workshop on Molecular modeling: Approaches to Computational Biophysics (in the frame of DRUGDESI 5-6 December 2008)
    Hayes, J.-M., Mamais, M., Papageorgiou, D., Alexacou, K.-M., Sovantzis, D., Chrysina, E.D., Leonidas, D.D., Zographos, S.E., Gimisis, T., Praly, J.-P., Archontis, G., Oikonomakos, N.G. (2008). Glycogenolysis control in type II diabetes: The role of computation in structure-based drug design". Workshop on Molecular modeling: Approaches to Computational Biophysics (DRUGDESI), Athens, Greece (December 5-6, 2008).
  • Annual European Schrodinger User Group Meeting, London, UK (October 26-28, 2008) (passive participation by Dr. Hayes, Drugdesi MER)


  • Structural Biology and Chemistry Symposium dedicated to the memory of Dr. Nikos G. Oikonomakos in the frame of REGPOT programme, NHRF, Athens, Greece (October 30-31, 2009). Dr. Hayes has been part of the organizing committee along with Drs. Chrysina, Leonidas, Zographos, all members of SBCG-IOPC
  • 3rd Hellenic symposium on organic synthesis 'from chemistry to biology, medicine and materials science'.
    Chrysina, E.D.*, Hayes, J.M., Mamais, M., Lazoura, E., Gimisis, T. (2009). Looking for potent inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase - the structure-based ligand design approach in vitro & in silico. Abstract book, L07-pg.35.
    Mamais, M.*, Hayes, J.M., Gimisis, T., Chrysina, E.D. (2009). Molecular modelling of beta-D-glucose pyrimidine derivatives binding at the catalytic site of glycogen phosphorylase. Abstract book, P55, pg 115.
    Skourti, P.V.*, Alexacou, K.-M., Vidal, S., Czifrak, K., Nagy, V., Berzenyi, E., Praly, J-P., Somsak, L., Siafaka-Kapadai, A., Chrysina, E.D. (2009). Glucopyranosylindene-spiro-oxathiazoles: an optimized class of potential glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors for the structure-based design of new hypoglycemic agents. Abstract book, P56, pg 116.
  • 4th Conference of the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, NHRF, Athens, December 18-20, 2009
    Mamais, M., Hayes, J., Gimisis, T., Chrysina, E.D. (2009). b-D-glucose pyrimidine derivatives binding at the catalytic site of glycogen phosphorylase.





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